Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Assalamualaikum & Hi!!

We are in BabyBinkCloset  sells great ideas and unique stuff specially for your babies and kids by giving you the best price in the market!

All the price are fixed and excluding postage.

Discount will be given if you buy more!!! 

Purchase Procedure
1.To order or any Inquiries please do SMS/Whatsapp/Viber at 012- 343 2129
OR email at ajlazz86@yahoo.com
2. I will check the availability of the items ordered, will be notified via SMS/Whatsapp/Viber
3. Payment made through Maybank2u @ CIMB Click!
4.  The item will be posted and the tracking number will be given.

P/s: We are not accept  any reservation & Item only be posted through POS LAJU on Monday and Thursday only

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